3 Ways to take BETTER photos

Do you want to take better photos?

These are 3 things to consider the next time you take a photo. Whether you’re looking to become a better photographer or simply want to take better pictures for your Instagram, these are three key components to consider that make a phenomenal image.

1. What is your image selling?

There is a reason why billboards, ads and commercials snatch our attention. They’re intentionally designed to speak to the need or want to an specific audience. Does your image convey this same feeling? This might pertain more towards print and product photography/modeling but overall what is your image selling? What is the person viewing your image going to take away from it?

2. Does your image tell a story? 

Above its one of my premier best selling prints. It’s the only print I offer that tells a specific story. This moment will be a staple in history. Think about your favorite movie, show, play, book, and song. Usually there is a foundation, from which we can depict a story. A beginning, middle and end. A base, something intriguing for us to follow. A dynamic series of shifts to keep us on the end of our seats and in tuned to the story.

What story is your photo telling?

3. Does your image show emotion?

Above is one of my advertisements. The headline is clear, The picture is an clear representation of emotion followed up with a question for the viewer. The family is showing feelings of joy and happiness. As a consumer, when I look at this photo I become happy, I want to be happy, I want this same feeling of happiness.

A great image has the power to inflict emotion from the viewer. How intentional is your photo for striking a specific emotion?

In Conclusion

Be intentional about creating images and also how viewer will receive your photographer. Apply any of these tips and you’re on your way to some promising photos! 😊


Overcoming the fear of talking to the camera